Impactful change begins with the vision and determination of individuals and institutions ready to challenge the status quo, according to Nirmala Lakshman, Chairperson, The Hindu Group.

“We understand the power of information — it is a power that can shape minds, transform societies, and drive change,” Lakshman said in her address at the 5th businessline Changemaker Awards on Friday.

The intent behind these awards goes beyond mere recognition, the Chairperson said.

“It’s a tribute to the power of ideas, the strength of determination, and the beauty of resilience,” she said.

Also read:Impactful change begins with the vision to challenge the status quo: Nirmala Lakshman

“Our commitment to these ideas will continue to shine a spotlight on those individuals and companies who are rewriting the rules of tomorrow and prioritize people and planet over profit,” she added.

On the Hindu Group’s priorities, the Chairperson said the endeavour has been to shine a light on news and perspectives that matter, on stories that have the potential to create a positive impact and drive meaningful change in the world.

“As a newspaper of record, we practice a journalism that is unfailingly based on truth, objectivity and authenticity,” she said.

The Hindu Group’s brands, digital products, and special publications all strive to be at the vanguard of reliable, fearless journalism, hallmarked by innovation that is tuned into the interests of our readers, Lakshman added.