Three Indian diplomats who were posted at the High Commission in Pakistan were recalled by the government on Tuesday after they were being accused of allegedly conducting anti-Pakistan activities.

The diplomats are First Secretary (Commercial) Anurag Singh, Vijay Kumar Verma and Madhavan Nanda. They arrived India late Tuesday evening.

According to sources, although none of them were labelled as persona non-grata, in other words a person who is not welcome in a country, their identities and whereabouts were “compromised” by the Pakistani government. Their photos were and other identities were published across all newspapers and TV channels in Pakistan.

This recent move by India comes within less than a week of Pakistan recalling six of its High Commission officials who were identified by their colleague Mahmood Akhtar, who was declared persona non-grata and apprehended by Delhi Police for reportedly running an espionage ring.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday reports of repeated ceasefire violation across the Line of Control surfaced from both sides.

India said Pakistani Rangers resorted to unprovoked firing in the Naushera sector of Jammu and Kashmir that resulted in the death of a soldier.

On the other hand. Director General (SA & SAARC) Mohammad Faisal, summoned Indian Deputy High Commissioner JP Singh on Tuesday and condemned the unprovoked ceasefire violations that took place on Monday allegedly by the Indian Forces on the international border at the Line of Control (LoC) in Nikial and Jandrot sectors, which resulted in the killing of civilians and children across the border.

“The Director General urged the Indian side to respect the 2003 Ceasefire Understanding; investigate the continued incidents of ceasefire violations; instruct the Indian forces to respect the ceasefire, in letter and spirit, stop targeting the villages and civilians and maintain peace on the LoC,” stated a release by the Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.