Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday expressed the hope that the 100-crore vaccination mark will further boost the economy, which is doing well.

The Prime Minister said experts and many agencies from home and abroad were positive about India's economy. “Today, not only are record investments flowing in for Indian companies, but new employment opportunities were also being created for the youth. With record investments in start-ups, unicorns are emerging,” Modi said in his address to celebrate the 100-crore vaccination mark. India achieved this milestone on Thursday.

He said many reforms and initiatives taken in the last few months will play a big role in making India's economy grow faster. He said during the pandemic, the agriculture sector kept our economy strong. Today, government procurement of food grains is happening at a record level. The money is going directly into the bank accounts of farmers.

The Prime Minister insisted on people buying every little thing Made in India, which was made by the hard work of an Indian. “Just like the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a mass movement, in the same way, buying things made in India, buying things made by Indians, being Vocal for Local has to be put into practice,” he said.

The Prime Minister said the country knows how to set big goals and achieve them. But, for this, more care is needed. “No matter how good the cover, no matter how modern the armour, and even if the armour gives a complete guarantee of protection, weapons are not given up while the battle is on. There is no reason to get careless. Celebrate our festivals with utmost precaution,” he urged.

Terming the 100-crore vaccinations mark not just a figure, but a reflection of the strength of the country, he said “this will further strengthen the acceptance that India enjoys in the world as a pharma hub.” He also said government has made public participation the first line of defence in the country's fight against the pandemic.

“If the disease does not discriminate, then there cannot be any discrimination in the vaccination. That's why it was ensured that the VIP culture of entitlement does not dominate the vaccination campaign,” he said, while emphasising that the entire vaccination programme has been “Science-born, Science-driven and Science-based.”

The Prime Minister said many people were comparing India's vaccination programme with that of other countries. He said the speed with which India has crossed the 100-crore mark is also being appreciated. He said developed countries had decades of expertise in researching and developing vaccines. India mostly depended on vaccines made by these countries.

It was for this reason when the biggest pandemic of the century struck, various questions were raised about India’s ability to fight the global pandemic. Questions like, from where will India get the money to buy so many vaccines from other countries? When will India get the vaccine? Will the people of India get the vaccine or not? Will India be able to vaccinate enough people to stop the pandemic from spreading? All these questions have been answered with the feat of administering 100 crore vaccinations. He stressed that India has not only administered 100 crore vaccine doses to its citizens, but has also done that free of cost.