The trade between India and the US has increased eightfold in the last two decades and stands at $159 billion now, according to Yvon Guillaume, Acting Consul General, US Consulate, Hyderabad.

Nearly two lakh Indians are studying in the US currently, Guillaume said, adding, “The number was 8,000 several years ago and has reached two lakhs now. These Indian students have contributed $7.7 billion to the US economy last year.’‘

Telangana “remains a choice” for investments of many US companies, he added.

Progressive industrial policy

Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, Industries, Govt of Telangana said that the State had a ‘progressive’ industrial policy in place. About 20 plus American companies who started with small investments in Telangana are doing good and are enhancing their investments, he added. 

“We have an agile State and government. We are not just looking at large companies. We give more importance to mid-scale companies. If you decide to invest in India, let Telangana be your destination, we offer the best of India” he told the gathering of Indo-US trade professionals and other entrepreneurs 

Kapil Kaul, National President of IACC announced that he would be leading a 60-member IACC delegation to the US next month.