The Indian School of Business (ISB) is setting up a full-fledged Centre for Family Enterprises, which will conduct research and training programmes to make family-run businesses stronger. The institution has a Chair for Family Business and Wealth Management.

The new centre will be formally inaugurated during the two-day fifth Asian Conference on Family Business, which starts on February 7.

Ajit Rangnekar, ISB Dean, said the centre will seek to probe deeper into the causes of family businesses having a low survival rate beyond the second and third generations. “It will undertake case studies of how some family-run businesses grow stronger after generation changes,” he said.

In the light of these trends, the conference has decided to keep the core theme as ‘Continuity of Family Businesses across Generations’.

Rangnekar said the sub-themes included leadership challenges in building large businesses, building family bonding, managing succession, next-generation grooming and building family businesses as institutions.