Lt. Gen K. S. Brar, who was assaulted by four people in central London on Sunday night, is convinced that it was an attempt to assassinate him by “pro-Khalistan elements” for his role in the 1984 ‘Operation Bluestar’.

Brar, who kicked and fought three of the four assailants, suffered a knife wound in the neck and is recovering after receiving medical treatment at a London hospital soon after the attack near the busy Marble Arch area. He is due to return to India today.

“This was a pure assassination attempt on me. Even on Internet there are so many threats being sent to me to say that there have been many attempts on your life but they haven’t succeeded, but the next one will succeed. They’ve been after me.” Brar told a television channel last night.

“On June 6, which is the anniversary of Bluestar every year, particularly in London, radical Sikhs come out in procession with banners and make pledges to kill me. So it was a pure assassination attempt,” he said.

Brar said it was “obvious” that the assailants were Khalistan sympathisers, who, he added, have wanted to kill him since ‘Operation Bluestar’.

Describing the incident, the 78-year-old Brar said he fought with the assailants, with “abnormal strength”, and added: “Now, when I think back, I can’t imagine how I fought with those three big guys. But I suppose being a soldier and having been in the army for so many years, one learns to defend oneself”.