The two Italian marines accused of killing two Indian fishermen on Tuesday said they were happy to be back and return to work, a day after the Government here told India that the duo will not fly back to face trial.

“Now we are finally happy. We are happy to go back to work,” said Salvatore Latorre, who along with Massimiliano Girone, have been charged with killing two fishermen off the Kerala coast in February 2012.

The two marines were allowed to go back to Italy to vote in February’s general elections after the Italian government gave an undertaking to the Indian Supreme Court of returning within four weeks.

The sailors, members of a military security team protecting the cargo ship Enrica Lexie, said they mistook the fishermen for pirates.

Italy challenged India’s right to try the sailors in Supreme Court, saying the shooting took place in international waters, outside the jurisdiction of Indian courts.

Indian authorities accuse the sailors of shooting unarmed fishermen in a “contiguous zone” where Indian law applies.

India today demanded the return of two Italian marines to face trial for homicide in the country, rejecting the stand of the Italian government which has gone back on its assurances.

On January 18, the apex court had turned down the Italian government’s plea that the Indian courts had no jurisdiction in the case and had held that the two marines should be tried by the Centre by constituting a special court to conduct their trial.