The ITBP contingent guarding 26/11 terrorist Ajmal Kasab at the Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai will soon be “deinducted”.

According to procedure, once the specified task given to a special squad of a central force comes to an end, the Union Home Ministry issues an order asking the force headquarters to “deinduct” the contingent.

“The squad designated to guard Kasab will be deinducted now,” sources in the paramilitary said.

A 300-strong contingent of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) was deployed at the Mumbai prison soon after Kasab, who was hanged today in Pune, was lodged in a special cell in the jail.

The force was sent on the request of the State Government to guard the high-profile inmate.

The ITBP squad that was deployed for securing Kasab was armed with the best weaponry including under barrel grenade launchers and high precision weapons and ammunition in order to ensure the tight security of the jail complex where Kasab was lodged.

The ITBP, a border guarding force tasked to secure the Sino-Indian frontier, has been monitoring its squad 24x7 since Kasab was lodged there via its control room based here.

The ITBP has since put forward a bill of about Rs 27 crore to the Maharashtra Government for rendering this duty in line with the rules of their deployment.