Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will embark on a four-day official visit to Australia on Monday.

Attracting foreign investment into India, especially in the infrastructure sector, will be one of the main objectives of his visit to Australia.

On the first leg, Jaitley will arrive in Sydney on March 29 and on the same day have an interactive session at the Sydney campus of the S.P. Jain School of Global Management.

He will also have a meeting with Julie Bishop, Minister for Foreign Affairs. In the afternoon, Jaitley will inaugurate the Sydney branch of the Union Bank of India, an official release said.

The next day, the Finance Minister will deliver the keynote address at a ‘Make in India’ conference in Sydney. He will also have a meeting with prominent Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of Australia.

Thereafter, he will have a bilateral meeting with Scott Morrison, Member of Parliament and Treasurer. In the afternoon, Jaitley will have an interaction with the Indian community.

On the second leg of his Australia visit, Jaitley will depart for the Australian capital Canberra on March 31.

During his stay in Canberra, the Jaitley will have bilateral meetings with Senator Mathias Cormann, Minister for Finance, and Peter Varghese, Foreign Secretary.

On the last leg of his Australia visit, Jaitley will arrive in Melbourne on April 1. During his stay in Melbourne, Jaitley will have a meeting with Peter Coastello, Chairman, Future Fund.

Thereafter, Jaitley will have a one-to-one meeting with CEOs of various companies. In the evening, the Finance Minister will visit the University of Melbourne.

Jaitley will return to New Delhi on April 2 after completing his 4-day official visit to Australia, the release added.