A Job Fair exclusively for the MSMEs is being organised on October 19 & 20 in Hyderabad. It will be inaugurated by the Union Minister for MSMEs, Kalraj Mishraji. The ni-msme, NSIC and JobsDialog have come together to conduct the job fair.

In Telangana and AP alone, more than 2 million MSME units are looking for fresh talent, at the same time 1.5 million youth are looking for new job opportunities. In spite of that, one of the main factors that hinder growth for a MSME is the lack of availability of the right talent.

Research has shown that the youth are looking for 5 aspects in any job namely, compensation, rich job role, friendly work environment, work-life balance and lastly, "closer to home" work. MSMEs can offer 4 out of the above 5, hence could be ideal employers for many youth of Telangana and AP.

T Muralidharan, Executive Chairman of TMI Group said "The biggest problem is that there is no common ground for MSMEs and potential candidates to meet and MSMEs do not participate in the Jumbo Job Fairs or advertise extensively."

M Chandrasekhar Reddy, Director General, National Institute of Micro, small and Medium Enterprises (ni-msme) said "We are focusing on creating a conducive environment for MSMEs to grow and addressing the talent shortage is an important step in that direction."

The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector in India, second only to China contribute significantly to the manufacturing output, employment and exports of our country. 44 million MSMEs employ over 100 million persons making it the largest source of employment after the agricultural sector.