A private complaint has been filed before the Special Lokayukta Court against Karnataka Wakf Minister Qamar-ul Islam accusing him of illegally acquiring Wakf properties in Gulbarga.

Complainant Tabrez Pasha submitted the documents to the court alleging that Qamar-ul Islam illegally acquired a little over eight acres of Wakf land in Bandepura.

The land was granted to Khwaja Bande Nawaz Sharief Dargarh by the Wakf Board in 1974 and four years later, Qamar-ul Islam requested that the land to be granted to him, it said.

The land was illegally granted in favour of Qamar-ul Islam and the minister converted it into a residential layout, selling each plot for a sum ranging from Rs six lakh to Rs 20 lakh, Pasha has said.

He has alleged that Qamar-ul Islam misused his official position as a member of Karnataka Wakf Board in 1998 to denotify the shrine land.

The land had been illegally occupied by some people against whom the Wakf Board was fighting a legal battle in Karnataka High Court.

Pasha said that he has filed a complaint with the Karnataka State Minorities Commission a few months ago and the Commission had, in turn, submitted a report to the Government. However, the Government had failed to take any action.

Special Lokayukta Court Judge N.K. Sudhindra Rao has posted the case to July 18 for hearing.