India’s concerns over the US visa fee hike, steps taken to improve trade ties with Pakistan and the Wisconsin gurudwara shooting were among the host of issues discussed between External Affairs Minister S. M. Krishna and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during their “positive” bilateral meeting here.

Like previous meetings with Clinton, the 45-minute bilateral talks on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session yesterday were “positive and productive” during which regional and global issues were discussed, Krishna told PTI.

He said concerns over the US visa fee hike were raised with Clinton, but given that the US presidential elections are approaching soon, one cannot expect any immediate assurance or action from Washington on the visa issue.

“The US elections are here. It would be too much to expect any assurance from that side,” he said.

The US had raised its visa fee in 2010 to fund the enhanced costs of securing its border with Mexico under the Border Security Act.

Some of the top Indian companies — TCS, Infosys, Wipro and Mahindra Satyam — were affected by the US action and India is expected to soon seek consultations with the US at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on the issue.

This was Krishna’s third meeting with Clinton this year.

The two had previously met in New Delhi in April and in June in Washington.