Karnataka Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy lashed out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his remarks on the State’s farm loan waiver.

“Farmers Crop Loan Waiver is a commitment our Government has made to the farmers of the State to safeguard their interest. The process has already begun and made significant payments, despite that, it is very sad that he sees it as a ‘cruel joke on farmers’, misleading the people of the nation without obtaining all the facts about the scheme,” he said.

“Despite making repeated requests, the Union Government has not come to the rescue of farmers, and now the Prime Minister demeaning the Karnataka Government for political gain by making such incorrect remarks is inappropriate on his part,” he added.

The scheme

Listing out the positives of Karnataka model of farm loan waiver, Kumaraswamy said :“The Prime Minister may kindly note the following updates and facts about the farmers crop loan waiver before making such incorrect statements.”

The State’s crop loan waiver is an open book, and information available online, unlike any other state. The Karnataka Government is handling honest tax payers’ money with caution to reach true farmers.

It is ensured that every genuine farmer gets the benefit, said the Chief Minsiter.

He further added that in the Karnataka model, all middlemen, particularly in the co-operative sector are weeded out. Other States have shown keen interest in this system.

Aadhaar and electronic authentication of land records and ration cards has ensured genuine farmers get the waiver.

According to Chief Minister, so far ₹350 crore has been paid to about 60,000 farmers electronically, into their individual accounts . Payments are made every week electronically into farmers’ loan/SB account.

Next week, another one lakh farmers are to get about ₹400 crore.

Kumaraswamy said :“We will complete all genuine farmers by the end of January, 2019. The officials have shown great commitment and are working on priority for the expeditious payment within January transparently and achieving successful implementation of the scheme. The details of district wise release of loan waiver money is enclosed.”