Eight students of a city-based college, who were on a fast unto death on the Sri Lankan Tamils issue, were removed by police and admitted to hospital.

Police also detained many of those who supported them, drawing criticism.

Police sources said the students were removed and admitted to hospital last night, three days after they embarked on the protest pressing for a seven-point demand, including calling for an international probe against Colombo for alleged war crimes.

Police also detained supporters of the students present at the venue here and sealed the building.

Condemning the police action, MDMK General Secretary Vaiko said besides his party Deputy General Secretary Mallai Satya, many others including some Tamil cinema directors were detained.

“Undertaking fast is a democratic right. I condemn the police” for denying it, he said in a statement here.

Vaiko, who met the students and expressed his party’s support to them, demanded that all detained persons should be released.

All India youth federation also criticised the police action.