Mumbai terror attack mastermind and Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed had visited the border areas in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) a few days before the killing of two Indian soldiers by Pakistani troops, the government said today.

Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde said the information about the movement of Saeed in PoK was received by intelligence agencies about four to five days back and the government was trying to get details of his visit.

“It has been our information that in PoK area, Hafiz Saeed had entered and talked to some people,” he told a press conference here.

Asked whether militants were involved in carrying out the raid on Indian Army soldiers, Shinde said, “I do not have that information. But we are very keen to get such information. We are on the line.”

The Home Minister ruled out putting the new India-Pakistan relaxed visa regime on hold, saying the government was not considering that option despite tension along the Indo-Pak border.

“Whatever agreement has been entered into, it will be carried on. There is no rethinking on visa agreement,” he said.

Asked when a judicial commission from Pakistan would visit India for cross examination of four persons in connection with the 26/11 Mumbai attack trial, Shinde said no date has been fixed yet but the government wants that the process should be completed soon.

“It (proposed visit of the panel) is a very positive step. The way they would be coming, we would also go. We want this case to be concluded as early as possible,” he said.