Lok Sabha on Monday passed the Marine Aids to Navigation Bill-2021, which is proposed to replace the Lighthouse Act. It now has to be passed in Rajya Sabha, said an official source.

The Bill proposes to update the legal framework for new technologies used in vehicle navigation — like radar, radar beacons, vessel traffic service (equipment used to monitor vehicle locations) and Long Range Identification and Tracking systems also used for monitoring ship locations.

The Bill provides for punishing those who knowingly damage lighthouse as well as equipment in a lighthouse.

The Bill also proposes to legally synchronise norms of India with International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities Maritime Buoyage System. India is a member of the association.

Additionally, the Bill provides for administering and safety of these equipment.

India has 195 lighthouses now, of which many are lighthouse heritage. They will be developed for tourism. The new law provides for safety and security to all equipment of aids to navigation.