The low-pressure area over the South Andaman Sea and adjoining Sumatra has strengthened a round to being 'well-marked' this morning, an India Met Department (IMD) update said.

The Met has extended by another 24 hours the window for its further intensification into a depression, and subsequent 24 hours into a deep depression (next only to a cyclone).


The pace of evolution of the system has been slower than initially estimated. The numerical weather model of the IMD has hinted that it could go on to become a cyclone, the second after 'Nada' of last week.

The projected track for its movement is west-northwest initially, heading northwest in due course. The IMD's model had assessed that the environment was congenial for the system to grow into a cyclone.

The projected track would take the storm towards the Andhra Pradesh coast, as judged from the system coordinates available as of last evening.


Meanwhile, the Met has warned of heavy to very heavy rain at a few places over the Nicobar Islands and extremely heavy falls at isolated places, while it will be heavy at isolated places over the Andaman Islands today.

Squally winds with speeds reaching 25 to 35 km/hr and gusting to 45 km/hr have been warned around the Nicobar Islands. By tonight, they may accelerate to 40-50 km/hr and gusting to 60 km/hr, signalling the system’s growth into a depression.

Fisherman have been advised not to venture out around the Nicobar Islands today. The sea condition will stay 'moderate' during the day, before becoming 'very rough' by night.

As for tomorrow, the same conditions may prevail around the Nicobar Islands and subsequently propagate to the Andaman Islands.