Four states have declared drought in over 390 talukas so far. Central teams will visit Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan to assess the situation, Parliament was informed on Friday.

In a written reply to the Rajya Sabha, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar said rainfall deficiency was 12 per cent so far. The Ministry was closely monitoring the monsoon situation along with the India Meteorological Department and State Governments, he said.

According to the data placed before Parliament, the maximum number of talukas declared drought-hit were in Karnataka at 142, followed by Gujarat (132 talukas), Maharashtra (122 talukas) and Rajasthan (five districts).

In reply to another question on the impact of drought on food grains production, Pawar said, “It is too early to assess impact of deficiency in rainfall on production of crops during the current year.”

However, the Centre has introduced diesel subsidy to offset the cost of diesel used in pumping for providing supplementary and protective irrigation to standing crops in drought-affected areas, he said.

He further said that the Government had also enhanced the ceiling on subsidies on seeds of cereals, pulses and oilseeds to partially recompense the farmers for additional expenditure incurred by them in re-sowing or purchasing drought tolerant variety of seeds.

Other measures taken include channelling funds available under various flagship schemes for drought relief activities, upgrading Central schemes on feed and fodder and waiver of import duty on oil, he added.

In a memoranda submitted to the Centre, Karnataka has sought an assistance of Rs 11,488.96 crore, Rajasthan Rs 7,424.13 crore, Gujarat Rs 18,673.37 crore and Maharashtra has demanded Rs 3,011.61 crore to mitigate drought effect, the Ministry said