The Minister of Woman and Child Development, Maneka Sanjay Gandhi, on Tuesday criticised a Hyderabad hotel for denying a room to a single woman despite a confirmed reservation.

In an official statement expressing “serious concern and indignation over an NRI woman being denied a room in a Hyderabad hotel despite a confirmed reservation,” Gandhi has sought a report from the state government for the discriminatory policy of the hotel.

The Minister was reacting to reports that Hotel Deccan in Erragadda, Hyderabad, denied a 22-year-old woman a room, on the grounds that she was a “single woman”.

“The woman, who had made an advance booking online, was turned down on her arrival at the hotel. The woman then took to social media to express her anguish. She was supposedly told by the hotel authorities that “single women like her should not be travelling alone at all”, the statement noted.

The Minister tweeted her concern on social media.