Strongly condemning the violence at Maruti Suzuki’s plant at Manesar in which a senior executive was killed, the Wipro Chairman, Mr Azim Premji, today said the Government should act “ruthlessly” against such social unrest.

“I don’t understand the details of the incident that caused the precipitation. It was pretty extreme, ruthless and very unfortunate.

“It is important that individuals and associations take up the cause and the Government should act ruthlessly,” he told reporters here when asked about the Manesar violence.

Mr Premji said the Government should act strongly otherwise these instances could repeat. ”You have to appreciate that when growth slows down even job creation also slows and unemployed and idle people can generate social unrest,” he said.

Mr Premji said he thought the government was taking a serious view of the incident as it is going to be watched by business and trade associations.

He also said the issue at stake was “sensitive and represents social unrest, which is building up within the country and among the trade unions“.

“The incident at Manesar plant is representative of the social unrest in the zone because of various issues.”