Microsoft India has emerged as India’s most attractive employer brand while Amazon India came second, according to findings of Randstad Employer Brand Research 2018, an independent employer branding survey conducted by the HR company Randstad.

Top drivers

The research covers 75 per cent of the global economy with 30 participating countries and over 1.75 lakh respondents worldwide. It reveals that in 2018, salary and employee benefits continue to be the top drivers among Indian workforce across all profiles while choosing an employer, followed by work-life balance and job security.

Interestingly, the importance accorded to salary and job security as factors of choice while choosing an employer has increased, compared to 2017, across all work profiles. Respondents from manufacturing industry reflected this trend more by rating salary and benefits (52 per cent) and job security (48 per cent) as the top two factors, followed by strong management (44 per cent) and work-life balance (42 per cent), says the research.

Paul Dupuis, MD & CEO, Randstad India said, “Employer branding has never been more important than it is now. Candidates have choices, not only where they decide to work but in what capacity. Organisations must have a story, a greater purpose and a clearly defined North Star, which defines why they exist”.

The research revealed job security emerged as top factor for an employee to stay with the current employer, with 45 per cent of the survey respondents indicating this. Providing increased career growth opportunities could be a great asset for organisations to attract at least 43 per cent of the workforce, who said they left their employers for this reason.