Chennai-based multi-speciality hospital Miot is looking to set up a hospital in Sudan, Africa.

Miot Hospitals in Chennai receives around 3,500 foreign patients every year, contributing 25 per cent of the hospital’s patients. North and East Africa account for a chunk of these foreign patients.

“This region is virgin territory as far as healthcare is concerned. Both the Sudan Government and private players have expressed interest in us setting up a hospital there,” said Mallika Mohandas, Chairman. “Land is ready; negotiations are on,” she said.

Miot wants to play an active role in the hospital, along with the local partner. It will also make “small financial investments” in the project, apart from being involved in operations and management. Miot will invest in human resources as well.

To start with, the hospital will have 300 beds. “Right now, there is political stability in the region. We hope to start the project next year.”

Back home, Miot is also exploring options to set up a 200-bed facility in Kolkata next year.

Second facility

Meanwhile, Miot has set up its second facility next to its existing 450-bed hospital in Chennai. Called Miot International, the 500-bed facility is positioned as a “premium” centre aimed at patients from across the globe. “With Italian marble floors, beds from England and a colourful ambience, patients will get the feeling of being in a hotel,” said the Chairman.

Cardio, cancer and radiation oncology units are already operational at Miot International. Miot International, constructed by L&T, houses 11 operation theatres, an underground radiation bunker facility and a sterilisation unit. Bone marrow transplant and haematology facilities will be added soon.

The total investment on Miot International, spanning 6.76 lakh sq ft, is Rs 400 crore.

Plans are on to start an exclusive mother-and-child care facility too at the existing campus, she said.