Amid raging controversy over statements made by BJP leader Giriraj Singh and VHP leader Pravin Togadia, BJP Prime Ministerial nominee Narendra Modi today said that he disapproves of “petty” statements by those claiming to be BJP’s well-wishers as they are deviating the campaign.

“Petty statements by those claiming to be BJP’s well-wishers are deviating the campaign from the issues of development and good governance,” Modi said.

“I disapprove (of) any such irresponsible statements and appeal to those making them to kindly refrain from doing so,” he said in a series of tweets on micro-blogging site Twitter.

“With great happiness, the entire nation is looking towards BJP for going to people solely on the issue of good governance and development,” he further said.

Giriraj Singh had said that those opposing Modi should be sent to Pakistan, while Togadia had asked his supporters to forcibly vacate a house purchased by a Muslim in a Hindu-majority area of Bhavnagar.