Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday hard-sold his development agenda and policies to African leaders at the 52nd annual meeting of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group here at Mahatma Mandir.

Addressing the gathering of delegates from 80 African countries, the Prime Minister emphasised on stronger and long-lasting cooperation between Africa and India to achieve mutually beneficial goals.

Modi stated that while India and Africa face similar challenges of uplifting farmers, addressing issues on poverty, women empowerment, rural development and infrastructure, India can join hands on some successful areas.

On the skill development front, Modi said the training of “solar mamas” for Africa has yielded dual outcomes. Residential training of African women to work on solar panels and circuits helps them electrify their community back home as well as empowers illiterate or semi-literate women through other skills such as basket-making, bee-keeping, and kitchen gardening, during their stay.

"I have launched an initiative to double farmers’ incomes by 2022. It will require concerted steps, ranging from improved seeds and optimal inputs, to reduced crop loss and better marketing infrastructure," Modi told the gathering.

Modi further listed the macro-economic achievements of his government in te last three years. Fiscal deficit, balance of payments deficit, and inflation came down, while GDP growth rate, foreign exchange reserves and public capital investment are up, he said.

Modi credited his government with making big strides in development by adopting bold reforms such as a less-cash economy, mobile banking, plugging the leaks in subsidy distribution through direct benefit transfer, the Jan Dhan Yojana of universal banking and Aadhaar - universal biometric identification system, among others.

Africa, which has a population of about 650 million without electricity, can look upto India in achieving power for all.

"By next year, no village in India will be without electricity. Our Clean Ganga, Renewable Energy, Digital India, Smart Cities, Housing for All and Skill India missions are preparing us for a cleaner, more prosperous, faster growing and modern, new India," Modi said.

Referring to the ages-old cooperation and association between India and African continent in social, cultural and business areas, Modi assured the African leaders of India's continued support in achieving key goals in the areas of agriculture, infrastructure, power and industry.

"Over decades, our ties have become stronger. After assuming office in 2014, I have made Africa a top priority for India’s foreign and economic policy."

During the Third India-Africa Forum Summit, India offered $10 billion for development projects over the next five years additionally, India also offered grant assistance of $600 million.

India has already extended 152 lines of credit through Exim Bank to 44 countries for a total amount of $7.6 billion.

Trade between India and Africa has doubled in the last five years to reach nearly $72 billion in 2014-15.