Being a mother and raising a child has its own challenges. In this age of nuclear family, what would mothers turn to for some guidance on child- care and share experiences which can benefit other moms out there?

It is this thought that led to the founding of Momspresso, a blogging site where the content is created by, of and for mothers.

They write experiential content about their own lives, about their children, relationships, etc.

The site consists of an editorial and a production team that are managed by mothers. The prerequisite to be a part of the blog is to be a mother — working or non-working.

The platform gives mothers an opportunity to share their experiences of parenthood and also a sense of financial empowerment.

Vishal Gupta one of the co-founders of Momspresso said: “Globally, mothers are the most prolific blogging community. For advice and suggestions, they trust other mothers more than anyone else. Also, the platform enables mothers in three ways — reach, recognition and remuneration.”

The site so far has 40,000 blogs — contributed by 5,500 mums and written in English, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Tamil and Telugu. Apart from blogging, it has a dedicated video channel which deals with various aspects of being a mother.

Expansion plans

Momspresso plans to emphasis on including more regional languages to reach out to more people. “When we look at the traffic on our site, the second highest number of users are from Lucknow and the top 12 consists of cities such as Patna, Agra, Jaipur, Chandigarh. So this tells us the power of regional language”, Gupta said.

“Our focus is on how to get 10 percent of the people who come to our platform to actually contribute in some form or the other — such as asking a question, commenting, etc. We plan on providing more opportunities to not just consume the content but also in terms of creating content on the platform.”