A comprehensive project to develop ayurvedic medicines for treatment of livestock and pets jointly by Kerala Veterinary University, Kottakkal Ayurveda College and the State government is on the anvil.

A tripartite agreement to launch the project has already been drawn up and sent to the government, Dr Eswara Sarma, Principal of Kottakkal Ayurveda College, sponsored by Kottakkal Aryavaidya Sala, one of country’s most renowned ayurvedic institutions, said.

“This is the first time that a comprehensive attempt is being made in the country to extend ayurveda to the veterinary field. Kerala Veterinary University and the state government have shown keen interest in the venture,” he said.

Ancient Ayurvedic texts have plenty of references to the application of the system in treatment of animals, including elephants, horses and livestock. Over the centuries, however, they failed to be developed in a scientific and systematic manner.

The focus of the project will be to promote research to develop this area in a systematic manner, Dr Sarma said. The research wing of the Ayurveda college would be playing the central role in implementing the project, he added.