Kerala’s new Industrial Policy and Ease of Doing Business measures will help the MSMEs to move forward and help channelise their resources to more rapid industrialisation of the State, said K Ellangovan, Principal Secretary of State Industries Department.

MSMEs are trendsetters of economic growth in Kerala and the Industries Department has taken various steps to bring in a business-friendly environment in small industrial sectors. The government has come out with schemes to give the necessary clearances to entrepreneurs to start industries within 30 days of submitting the application.

Though Kerala has problems in finding availability of land in large scale for the industrial purpose, many MSMEs have achieved remarkable progress through their innovative and value-added products, he said. He was inaugurating the awareness workshop organised by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), the MSME Directorate in collaboration with State Industries Department on ‘Finding Funds – Financing the Aspirations of MSMEs’ here.

According to PV Velayudhan, Director, MSME Development Centre, the Centre is planning to provide funds worth ₹800 crore to the MSME sector in Kerala. At the taluk level, the new project for starting Entrepreneur Development Centres are being set up.

Kerala State Small Industries Association President Damodar Avannor offered felicitations. FICCI Kerala Council Co-Chair Deepak L Aswani welcomed the gathering and FICCI Kerala State Council Head Savio Mathew proposed a vote of thanks.