MyMedicineBox, a healthcare delivery platform, has launched a Vitamin-D deficiency check-up and awareness campaign at 2,000 locations in the country. The campaign will run simultaneously across all 29 States in India, where 65-70 per cent of the population is Vitamin-D deficient and another 15 per cent insufficient.

“In the world today where life has become so fast, especially in urban areas, where people are moving from their home to car to air-conditioned offices, they are barely being out in open absorbing natural sunshine. Thus, the main objective behind the campaign is to spread awareness on getting the Vitamin-D naturally, which is available through daily exposure of sunlight,” said Man Mohan Gupta, Mentor at MyMedicineBox.

In order to make the initiative accessible to as many people, the company has employed 35 representatives and is in the process of hiring 100 more professionals in the next three months. It has also partnered with an advanced diagnostics and pathology lab company Thyrocare for collection of blood samples from homes and offices, and to test it for Hypovitaminosis D, a term for ‘Vitamin-D deficiency’.

“It is shocking to know that more than 10 million Hypovitaminosis D cases in India every year lead to severe health diseases. As most people do not show any symptoms, there is no awareness of the consequences. The campaign is our sincere effort to put a light on this commonly encountered deficiency, yet a serious health issue, and offer diagnosis and treatment to as many Indians in the comfort of their home or office, all at an affordable cost,” Gupta added.