The South Peninsula, especially Tamil Nadu, is looking to enter yet another racy week as far as the North-East monsoon is concerned, with weather systems getting active over both the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal with prospects of intensification as storms.

A well-marked low-pressure area over the Arabian Sea will soon be joined by a fresh ‘low’ in the Bay of Bengal. The twin rain engines will thrive on each other’s strength, though the depression-in-the making in the Arabian Sea will move farther away from India’s West Coast.

Read more: Heavy rains lash Chennai; Many areas waterlogged

Depression in Bay?

Weather bloggers in Chennai expect a curtain of heavy to very heavy rain to unroll initially over the North Coastal Tamil Nadu before the system in the Bay starts moving closer and intensifies into what some of them project will be a depression or even a deep depression.


This (Friday) morning, India Meteorological Department (IMD) located a preliminary cyclonic circulation over South-East Bay off the Sumatra Coast which will concentrate into a low-pressure area over the South-East Bay of Bengal in next two days.

Bay system to intensify

It may intensify and move towards the North Tamil Nadu coast during the subsequent two days. This will lead to an increase in rainfall activity over North Coastal Tamil Nadu with heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places and extremely heavy rain at isolated places and heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places over South Coastal Andhra Pradesh on Thursday and Friday.

Fisherman are advised not to venture into the South-East Bay on Tuesday and Wednesday; and over the South-West Bay as well as along and off the Tamil Nadu and adjoining Andhra Pradesh coast from Wednesday to Friday. Those out in the deep sea may return to the coast by Tuesday.

Heavy rainfall forecast

Meanwhile, the well-marked ‘low’ over East-Central Arabian Sea is expected to intensify as a depression and move further away from the West Coast of India. The two systems will combine to trigger heavy rainfall over Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Karaikal during next five days.

Heavy rain is forecast over Kerala and Mahe today (Sunday); over Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Yanam on Monday and Tuesday; and over South Interior Karnataka until Wednesday. Very heavy rainfall may lash Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry today.