Minutes after he was anointed BJP’s 2014 poll campaign chairman, Narendra Modi, today spoke to sulking party veteran L.K. Advani and said he would leave no stone unturned to oust Congress from power in the Centre.

“Spoke to Advaniji on the phone. He gave me his blessings. Honoured and extremely grateful to receive his blessings,” the Gujarat Chief Minister tweeted minutes after he was appointed by BJP as chairman of its campaign committee for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.

“Senior leaders have reposed faith in me. We will leave no stone unturned for Congress-Mukt Bharat Nirman. Thanks for the support & blessings,” Modi said.

Advani and some other senior leaders had expressed reservations on appointing Modi as Chairman of BJP’s Election Campaign Committee for the 2014 polls, a move considered just short of making him the party’s prime ministerial candidate.

Advani had kept away from the National Executive meeting in Goa where the decision was taken.