As many as 14 companies of the BSF were rushed to the Kashmir Valley to counter any law and order trouble even as the region remained under curfew for the third day following the hanging of Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru.

Fourteen companies of the Border Security Force have been rushed to Srinagar, the capital city, for law and order duty and to ensure peace and tranquility, security officials told PTI.

Five companies were withdrawn from some areas in the Jammu frontier and sent to the Kashmir Valley yesterday, while nine more BSF companies were rushed to the Valley today, they said.

The Kashmir Valley remained under curfew for the third day today even as mobile Internet services remained suspended and newspapers failed to hit the stands following the hanging of Guru in Tihar jail in New Delhi on Saturday.

Restrictions on the movement of people in the Valley were further tightened this morning in view of apprehension of widespread protests to commemorate the 29th death anniversary of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front founder Mohammad Maqbool Bhat.

Two persons have died and at least 50 others, including 23 policemen, injured in clashes between protestors and law enforcing agencies across the Valley since Saturday.

Apart from this, 10 additional companies of the Central Reserve Police Force are arriving in Jammu this afternoon and will be rushed to Kashmir Valley.

The CRPF troops are arriving from New Delhi in a special train and will get down at Vijaypur Railway station, from where they will be sent to Kashmir Valley today, they said.