The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has promised to set up a Farmers’ Income Commission to ensure an annual income of one lakh rupees for each farm household through on-farm activity and agro-based enterprise. The commission will be a statutory body.

Besides, it will set up a State-level CACP (Commission for Agricultural Cost and Prices) and announce Minimum Support Price (MSP) for at least 25 crops to incentivise dryland food crops following Dr Swaminathan Commission recommendations.

The party also said it would order a review by a sitting High Court Judge on Jala Yagnam projects that cost ₹ 60,000 crore to the exchequer but added very little ayacut.

Releasing the Farmers’ Manifesto for the upcoming general elections here on Sunday, AAP leader Kiran Vissa said the party would ensure a payment of ₹ 10,000 an acre in times of disasters as per the Hooda Committee.

“A separate Budget for Agriculture with an allocation of 10 per cent of the total budget will be introduced. We will also ensure supply of power to farmers in daytime. We also promise to give loans and insurance cover to 30 lakh tenant farmers, who don’t have access to support systems,” he said.

The AAP Farmers’ manifesto said it was important to give land titles to women farmers. It promised to provide a special package for farmer-suicide affected districts at ₹100 crore a district.