Visakhapatnam-based NGO Samata along with other organisations in East Godavari district has taken up a campaign against the proposed laterite mining in the Nagulakonda hill ranges in the eastern ghats in the district.

It will ruin the ecology of the region and the livelihood of 2 lakh Girijans in 120 habitations.

According to R. Ravi, Executive Director of Samata, the State Government seems intent on taking up bauxite mining and also laterite mining in East Godavari and Visakhapatnam districts in spite of the agitation of Girijans and other sections against the move.

“The Government is oblivious to the plight of Girijans in the Eastern ghats and the likely adverse consequences on the people in the plains, if bauxite/laterite mining is taken up.

"The water sources will be contaminated first and then they will dry up. Agriculture and other rural occupations will be adversely affected and life will become miserable for the people in the region,” he said.

He said that bauxite had been found in the Nagulakonda area and people were being misled on the mineral to be mined.

Under the garb of laterite mining, bauxite would be mined, he said and demanded that the Government and the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board make public the relevant information.

Public hearing

“A public hearing is proposed to be held on September 20 in the area on the issue and the facts should not be concealed.

"We have appealed to the public in East Godavari to oppose such mining tooth and nail,” he said.

The Government was simply going ahead with it, without taking into account the disastrous consequences of such a move.

He said several NGOs and political parties had come forward to support the agitation against such illegal mining.