The Central Working Committee of the Congress is expected to meet before the end of this month to take a final call on the Telangana statehood issue.

AICC general secretary, in charge of AP affairs, Digvijay Singh indicated this to a Telugu news channel today.

“The CWC will meet hopefully before the month-end and take a final decision on Telangana. No more consultations will be held on the issue. The decision is going to be final,” Digvijay Singh said.

The Congress core committee that met in New Delhi last evening did not come out with any decision on the vexed issue and instead put the ball into the CWC court.

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, his deputy Damodar Rajanarasimha, and Pradesh Congress Committee President Botsa Satyanarayana, today held further talks with Digvijay Singh on Telangana issue.

A minister from Telangana, who was camping in New Delhi, said they were hopeful that a decision would come out from CWC in favour of a separate state.

“We have not lost hope yet as there are clear indications after yesterday’s core committee meeting that the high command is favourably inclined towards Telangana. CWC’s endorsement may just be a formality,” the Minister said over phone after a meeting of leaders from the region at Union Minister S. Jaipal Reddy’s residence today.

On the other hand, ministers from Andhra-Rayalaseema regions who conferred with the CM and the PCC chief separately, contend that the CWC was always in favour of constituting a second States Re-organisation Commission and the same stand could be spelt out once again.

“If a decision has to be taken on Telangana straightaway, the CWC will have to annul its 2004 resolution in favour of a second SRC,” a Minister pointed out.