In a bid to curb alcohol related crimes, a high power committee constituted by the Gauhati High court today sent a report to the Assam government to regulate the operation of bars and wine shops in Guwahati city.

In a 17-page comprehensive report, the committee recommended that the wine shops be opened from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. instead of the current 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. time frame while the bars to function from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The report suggested that the licences of bars and wine shops issued after 2005 be reviewed and for the time being be closed down.

In the report it was also suggested that there should be at least two days of dry days as also in the days of major festivals as Chath puja, Iddh and Biswakarma puja when there was been major incidents of alcohol related crimes in the past.

The committee was formed by the court after the molestation case in the heart of Guwahati city of a girl in front of a bar in July which created national outcry.