At the monthly farmers’ grievances redressal meetings held at Madurai and Ramanathapuram, farmers sought their respective districts to be declared “drought-hit” and compensation released for the losses suffered due to monsoon failure.

They urged the respective district administrations to seek adequate relief from the Government as they have been put to hardship, forced to remain not only jobless but also lose out money in the process.

They pleaded an early intervention in the matter and.sought a compensation of more than Rs 20,000 an acre.

The Madurai District Collector Ansul Misr responded that the Government had already announced various steps and a team of ministers was evaluating the extent of crop damage in the district.

The officials at the meeting suggested that the farmers could explore the possibility of alternative cropping for which sops are being offered by the Agriculture and Horticulture departments and the water required is minimal

At the meeting held in Ramanathapuram, farmers stated that more than 80 per cent of the paddy crop had withered due to the long dry spell in November and December and failure of the north-east monsoon.

The Distrct Collector K. Nanthakumar assured them that the Government would protect their interests.

The Agriculture Department hasd carried out preliminary enumeration of damaged crop and a detailed taluk-wise enumeration would be taken up and the exact extent of damage assessed by the end of the month.