WHAT should be the agenda for the new government?

∙ It should capitalise on corporate optimism and support by boosting growth rate and output levels

∙ This should create a positive impact on job creation

∙ Should focus on growth-inducing policies

WHAT would you like the new government to do differently?

∙ Invest more in infrastructure and encourage increased public-private partnership models to overcome structural bottlenecks

∙ Create initiatives that will overcome the issue of widening skill gaps, promote capability development and foster higher education and research

∙ Develop flexi-staffing specific laws that define the roles of the primary employer, staffing agency and benefits to temporary workforce to avoid ambiguous interpretation of current labour laws

∙ Focus on promoting good governance and building a corruption-free society

WHAT are the signals that the new government should send out?

∙ Demonstrate that India’s growth story is intact by being more reform-focussed and execution-oriented.

∙ Focus on improving overall economic strength to portray India as an investor friendly nation and a preferred destination for business.