LK Advani on Tuesday hailed Atal Behari Vajpayee as the most outstanding Prime Minister, with “lack of ego and arrogance”, in a veiled critique of Narendra Modi’s style of functioning.

Advani also pointed out that if the BJP wins, it is because of the misrule of the Congress.

The underlying messages were not very subtle. The first was that Vajpayee’s humility and moderate politics is the model for the BJP and second, that the BJP’s gains in the present elections are not so much owing to Modi’s projection but are largely on account of the Congress’s losses.

He then went on to add in his blog that the BJP is advancing electorally mostly thanks to the Congress’s misrule.

“Following carefully the performance of the Sonia-Manmohan Singh government since 2004, I have been telling colleagues that we should be grateful to the UPA for working systematically and steadfastly to ensure that in 2014, once again a BJP-led government comes into power!

“No previous government has presided over so many scams and scandals as this government,” Advani said.