The Tamil Nadu Government has urged the Centre to restore the kerosene allocation to the State to 65,140 kilolitres a month, the full quantity needed to meet the demand over the Public Distribution System.

The Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa said in a letter to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has steadily reduced the allocation to the State over the years to about 29,056 kl which is about 45 per cent of the requirement.

The reduction is supposed to be based on the number of LPG domestic connections provided in the State. However, there is a huge data gap of 56.16 lakh connections between the data released by the Petroleum Ministry and the family card data on the number of LPG connections in Tamil Nadu. Also, the increase in LPG connections is nation-wide but kerosene allocation for some States has not been reduced to the same extent as for Tamil Nadu, Jayalalithaa said.

The lower allocation severely affects the rural poor and will have an environmental impact as the poor people have to rely more on firewood.