K Chandrasekhar Rao, President of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi, set to be the first Chief Minister of India’s 29th State, Telangana, met the Governor ESL Narasimhan on Sunday.

Rao was elected leader of the TRST Legislature Party at Telangana Bhavan on Saturday, where all the 63 new MLAs gathered and cheered their chief. He was accompanied by a group of his party MLAs and MPs when he met the Governor.

“We conveyed our decision (electing Chandrasekhar Rao as TRSLP leader) to the Governor. We met him formally today,” TRS MLA E Rajender told reporters.

TRS secured majority by winning 63 of the 119 MLA seats in Telangana, which would come into existence as a new State on June 2. The Congress has won 20 seats and the Telugu Desam-BJP combine 21. The MIM got seven.

Rao also won the Medak Lok Sabha seat with a thumping majority. He, however, will choose to retain his Assembly seat.