When Misa Bharti is fighting her first election, in Pataliputra, her father and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) supremo Lalu Prasad will settle for nothing less than victory.

All the strategies of Lalu, including the Muslim-Yadav combination, under-the-table negotiations with principal opponent Janata Dal (United) and ignition of Yadav pride, are being put to use.

Pataliputra, where Lalu lost in 2009, is witnessing a tough battle this time between Misa, Lalu's former aide and BJP candidate Ramkripal Yadav, and sitting MP Ranjan Prasad Yadav of the JD(U). Ranjan had defeated Lalu by less than 25,000 votes in the last election. What helped him was a big chunk of Yadav votes.

This time the Yadavs swear they will not let down their messiah. “Past is past. We were over-confident in 2009. Booth-level activities were not up to the mark. Also, some MLAs of our own party worked against Laluji,” said Surendar Yadav of Suarmarwa village. He had taken a half-day off from work to hear Lalu, who had come to his village after a long break.

The villagers were expecting just Lalu. But along with him came his wife and former CM Rabri Devi and son Tej Pratap in the chopper. Misa’s husband is from a nearby village.

“She is your daughter and your daughter-in-law. She is an educated and straightforward girl. She will look after your constituency well,” Rabri Devi told the crowd. Then she recounted the story behind Misa’s naming.

Lalu was in his elements, passing comments as the others spoke. There were peals of laughter when he urged his wife to stop naming everyone on the dais and come to the point. And there was silence when he started speaking.

Citing the BJP’s polarisation attempts, he said this election must be taken as a war against communalism. “The question is whether to divide the country again or not,” he said and added that his spirit in fighting communal elements has not weakened. “I had arrested LK Advani and Ashok Singhal. Modi is no challenge for Bihar,” he said. “I am like a JCB machine. I will come down heavily upon these elements.”

Then he questioned Nitish Kumar’s claim that law and order has improved.

“It’s officer shahi (rule) now. Nitish Kumar will be politically finished after this election,” he added.

Aide no more

Next on the firing line was Ramkripal Yadav. Igniting Yadav pride, Lalu said: “He (Ramkripal Yadav) is now bowing in front of CP Thakur.” “Is this what I taught you, to beg and kneel before Thakurs?” he asked the crowd, which promptly shouted: “No!”

But what worries the RJD is the support the BJP seems to have in Patna.

“If the polling percentage in Patna city crosses 70 per cent, Misa Bharti will fail. Otherwise, it will be a cakewalk for her,” a key RJD activist told Business Line .

The BJP believes that the Modi wave and a split in Yadav votes will help it to win the seat.

The JD(U) is hardly in the fray. The constituency is Yadav-dominated and the RJD believes that the revival of the Muslim-Yadav combination will help it regain the seat after a five-year hiatus.