The Congress has said the 10-point programme of the Narendra Modi Government is vague and directionless. Congress spokesperson and MP Shashi Tharoor said the “10 commandments” of Modi show the “utter confusion” of the newly sworn-in Government. “What is the purpose of such a document? These are vague statements. There is no big vision in it,” he said. He added that the BJP had promised stability and that can be achieved only if the Government has firm foundations, not vague statements.

He said the UPA too had followed the points such as a free hand to bureaucracy, making health and education a priority and transparency in taking decisions. He urged the new Government to act on the recently-passed and pending legislations to curb corruption.

Tharoor further said the Congress is not going to conduct the Opposition the way the BJP did during the 10 years of UPA regime. “We are not there just to point fingers,” he said, adding that the Opposition will positively influence the process of policy making inside and outside Parliament.

Criticising the recent statements by BJP and RSS leaders on Article 370 and uniform civil code, Tharoor said debates should not be used to provoke people and tear the nation apart. “There are many communities which have personal laws like the Sikhs and Christians apart from Muslims,” he added.