AP Transco has announced that the power consumers in the State will have to bear with additional power cuts due to unexpected shortage of about 723 MW capacity.

In a statement, AP Transco has informed that there has been additional shortage and consumers were requested to bear with the inconvenience and cooperate.

Unit 1 and 2 of Rayalaseema thermal power plant of 210 MW capacity tripped on August 16 and 17, respectively. In addition, NTPC’s Ramagundam unit-5 of 500 MW, of which Andhra Pradesh gets about 160 MW tripped on August 16.

This will impact not just Andhra Pradesh but other southern States which receive supplies from NTPC’s Ramagundam project.

The situation has become tougher with inflows into the Jurala reservoir coming down. Therefore, generation from this hydroelectric project has come down from 180 MW to 39 MW.

All these have resulted in additional power shortage of 723 MW.

According to AP Transco, the overall demand today has shot up to 265 million units and the supply is about 215.5 million units leaving a gap of about 49.5 mu today.
