With an eye on next year’s general elections, BJP today projected itself as the sole alternative to Congress, vowing to move ahead with unity and expand the NDA to oust UPA, which it termed a “coalition of the corrupt”.

Slamming the UPA government for a series of scams, the political resolution at the BJP National Council meeting called for a “decisive change” to rid the country of “corruption, mal-governance, price rise and unresponsive record of the UPA Government which has made the life of the common man utterly miserable“.

“It is not a coalition Government but is indeed a coalition of the corrupt”, the resolution, which was passed unanimously, said and pitched BJP as an alternative to Congress, backing it with its record of “good governance“.

“There is gloom and despair.... The UPA is leaving a legacy of insecure India and suffering India. India needs to be redeemed by the NDA under the leadership of BJP.

“It is time to awaken the country, expand the NDA and generate a hope for decisive change whenever election is held.

“The choice is clear — to relieve the country of the misery and misrule of the Congress led UPA, the BJP led NDA with its exemplary record of good governance is the only alternative,” the resolution.

The BJP political resolution, which was put forth by party’s deputy leader in the Rajya Sabha Ravi Shankar Prasad said, was supported by Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj who said the party will face a litmus test in six States before the Lok Sabha polls.

Exhorting partymen to stand united and be actively involved in the coming times, Swaraj said BJP has to not just retain power in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, but also wrest control from Congress in Rajasthan and Delhi, besides bringing back “stable” governments in Karnataka and Jharkhand which have suffered from instability in the past.

“People of the nation want to rid themselves of this corrupt government and are looking at us with hope. This hope of people has become a challenge for us.

“We cannot leave this nation in the hands of those who are looting the nation day in and day out,” she said.

The resolution also said, “the institution of an effective Lokpal and an autonomous and accountable CBI are important institutions to check corruption and the BJP stands committed for the same”.