The Andhra Pradesh Government is taking precautionary measures to minimise loss of life and property as cyclonic storm HudHud is predicted to cross the coast on Sunday, OSD Relief Aravind Kumar said here on Friday.

It is predicted the cyclone may cross the coast in Andhra Pradesh, probably in the vicinity of Visakhapatnam. Last year, around the same time, cyclone Phailin crossed the coast near Gopalpur in Odisha.

The cyclone is likely to be very severe and district administration has declared a holiday for all schools and educational institutions and other establishments on Saturday, he said, after a review meeting with the District Administration, Police, Navy and others.

Major challenge

He said one of the major challenges was persuading people living in low-lying areas to leave their homes and shift into shelters during the cyclone. “Most persons resisted as they are not assured of protection of their goods which they would leave back home, it is the responsibility of the district administration and police to give them the assurance,” he said.

The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) teams are being positioned in advance at vulnerable places to instil confidence among the residents.

SS Guleria, the DIG of the NDRF, said 20 teams were in Odisha and, depending on the course of the cyclone and the necessity, some of them may be brought to the Andhra Pradesh coast.