Winding up his eight-month-long campaign, Narendra Modi today said NDA is the only alliance that can bring about change in India where people are “tired” of false promises, corruption and political dynasty.

Writing in his blog, Modi invoked history and said there is something special in India’s soil that makes it a world leader (Jagad guru) and called upon the people to help create a strong, developed and inclusive India that will once again show the way to the world.

The BJP Prime Ministerial candidate also thanked the people of the country for extending their support to him and assured them he will repay them with affection and “unprecedented development” to lay the foundation of a strong India.

“People are tired of false promises, corruption and the same old tape-recorded messages ridden with dynastic references only to hide one’s own failure. They want a better tomorrow and NDA is the only alliance that can provide this change,” Modi said.

Describing his long campaign as “extensive, innovative and satisfying”, he said that “throughout our campaign, BJP took the agenda of development and good governance to every corner of India.

Modi addressed rallies and programmes in almost 5,800 locations, covering a distance of over 3 lakh kilometers in the last eight months starting September 13 ever since he became BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate.

In his current poll campaign, he addressed 440 rallies, including Bharat Vijay Rallies that began on March 26 this year, besides 4,000 “Chai pe charcha” rallies and 12 rounds of 3D rallies at 1,350 locations.

“No words will be able to convey my gratitude to the people. I assure the people of India that I will repay this overwhelming affection with unprecedented development that will lay the foundations of a strong India,” he said