Ports across Gujarat coast have been warned about strong surface winds and fishermen advised to be cautious while venturing into the sea in the wake of adverse weather, the Meteorological Centre said today.

Despite the depression in the Arabian Sea weakening into a low pressure area, a port warning has been issued for Gujarat’s coastal region as a precautionary measure, it said.

The port warning said the depression, created due to the cyclonic storm ‘Nanauk’, has weakened into a well marked low pressure area.

The low pressure is currently centred at about 1,160 km off Mumbai coast and 680km off Veraval in the state.

Strong surface winds of 20-25 km per hour are likely to prevail at the ports during the next 24 hours. The wind speed may reach up to 30 km per hour, the Met office said.

The centre asked the ports to hoist signal No. 3 (indicating squally weather which covers rain or persistent strong gusty winds accompanied by rain).

“Fishermen are advised to be cautious while venturing into the sea during the next 24 hours,” the Met office said.

Due to the cyclonic condition, maximum temperatures in most places in Gujarat, reeling under intense heat in the last few weeks, dropped and hovered around 40° Celsius.

Ahmedabad was today the hottest place in the state at 40 ° Celsius, while the other cities remained below that mark.

The Met office forecast light to moderate rain or thundershowers at isolated places in most Gujarat districts in the next 24 hours.