The President Pranab Mukherjee on Tuesday prorogued both Houses of Parliament. The Government had earlier recommended to the President to prorogue the Winter session to enable promulgation of two crucial Ordinances — Coal and Insurance. A Cabinet meeting is also scheduled on Wednesday. An Ordinance can be promulgated considering the urgency of the matter, but only when the House is not in session and the previous session has been prorogued. Prorogue means end of a session (of Parliament or other Legislative assembly) without dissolving it. “The Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs (in its meeting on Tuesday) decided to recommend to the President to prorogue both the Houses,” Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu said addressing a press conference here at the end of the winter session.

The Coal Bill, which was approved by the Lok Sabha is stuck in the Rajya Sabha. The Insurance Bill, introduced in the Rajya Sabha in 2008, after going through the select committee, was not taken up during this session. It has to go through the Upper House before going to the Lok Sabha.

The Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Bill, 2014 will replace the Ordinance to enable coal blocks auctions/allocations following the Supreme Court order to cancel allotment of 204 blocks. The Insurance Laws (Amendment) Bill is pending in the House for the last 6 years. The Government is eyeing an Ordinance route for the Insurance Bill which seeks to hike FDI limit to 49 per cent from 26 per cent. But a key Government functionary said that such a mechanism is unlikely to bring in foreign investments. However, this will give an indication about the intent of the Government and is necessary to improve business environment, he said.