Sadhvi is sorry, so let’s forgive her: PM

Our Bureau Updated - November 25, 2017 at 09:00 PM.

Opposition in no mood to accept apology; demands her sacking

Storm centre BJP MP Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti in New Delhi, on Thursday RV MOORTHY

The standoff between the government and the Opposition over the communal remarks made by Minister of State Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti continued for the third day in the Rajya Sabha despite a statement from Prime Minister Narendra Modi disapproving of such language.

The Centre rejected the Opposition’s suggestion that a resolution should be passed in both the Houses condemning Jyoti’s statements.

The Lok Sabha too, witnessed uproarious scenes over the incident with the Opposition walking out, demanding the Prime Minister’s statement.

While the government maintained that the issue is closed as the PM himself has made his position clear, the Opposition insisted that an FIR be lodged against the Minister for breaching the oath. The ruling BJP alleged that the Opposition was looking for a face-saver by not accepting her apology.


“We are not looking for a face-saver, instead the government is looking for a life-saver,” said CPI(M) leader Sitaram Yechury.

Earlier, Modi told the Rajya Sabha that he did not approve of such language from MPs. “I was informed about the statement which caused the controversy on the day the BJP Parliamentary Party was to meet. In the meeting, I strongly disapproved of the remarks and said we should avoid using such language,” he said in his brief remarks.

The Prime Minister, however, ruled out her resignation, and urged the Opposition to allow the House to run in the interest of the nation.

“Before this issue was raised in the House, I had put forth this matter before all our MPs.... The Minister is new, and she has come to Parliament for the first time. We are aware of her background. She has apologised. I believe that after her apology...this House has so many senior members with so much experience, they know what should be their feelings towards an apology,” Modi added.

He appealed to the elders that Jyoti’s apology be taken as a message so that in future leaders do not cross the limits of dignity. “I appeal to the House that we should work for the interest of the country,” he added.

Not satisfied with his statement, the Opposition urged Modi to sack Jyoti.

The House was disrupted again and was adjourned for an hour. When it re-convened at 12 noon, disruptions continued, with House Chairman Hamid Ansari terming the behaviour of the MPs as “utterly disgraceful.”

Meanwhile, informal discussions are taking place between the Centre and the Opposition to end the impasse. Yechury had suggested in a meeting of the leaders of all parties in the Chairman’s chamber that a resolution be passed in both Houses against such statements from political leaders.

“We were told the government will think on this and will get back to us on Friday,” Yechury said.

Published on December 4, 2014 16:46