More trouble seems to be brewing in the fledgling Aam Aadmi Party after a spate of resignations of top leaders following the party’s electoral debacle in the recent Lok Sabha elections.

According to reports, a rift is brewing between two founding leaders of AAP — Manish Sisodia and Yogendra Yadav. Sisodia, a former Minister in the Delhi Government led by Arvind Kejriwal, has apparently taken exception to Yadav’s “ill advice” on spreading thin in the recent Lok Sabha elections, which led to the party not winning any seat anywhere except in Punjab.

In a letter written in response to Yadav’s email, Sisodia reportedly also blames Yadav for alleging that Kejriwal does not hear out suggestions made by the party’s Political Affairs Committee (PAC).

Kejriwal’s clique It may be recalled that while announcing her resignation recently, AAP founding member Shazia Ilmi, too, had stated that a “clique” surrounding Kejriwal was the reason for many leaders and volunteers feeling disenchanted with the party.

“Kejriwal’s studied silence on these issues is adding to the discontent,” said an AAP supporter.

“I am surprised reading your email because till the time Arvind agreed with you, he was democratic,” Sisodia reportedly said in the letter.

He is also said to have mentioned Yadav’s friction with AAP leaders in Haryana, such as Navin Jaihind, and blamed him for the poll debacle there.

"After the fall of our government in Delhi, you conducted a survey in Haryana which said the party may get 23 per cent of votes in the State, but under your leadership, it has managed to get only 3 per cent of votes.

"This requires introspection,” he wrote.